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Internal path reduction trees: check rotations

procedure checkrots( var t : tree ); {*** check need for rotations ***} var wl, wll, wr, wrr : integer; begin if t <> nil then with t^ do begin wl := wt( left ); wr := wt( right ); if wr > wl then begin {*** left rotation needed ***} wrr := wt( right^.right ); if (wrr > wl) and (2*wrr >= wr) then begin lrot( t ); checkrots( left ) end else if wr-wrr > wl then begin rrot( right ); lrot( t ); checkrots( left ); checkrots( right ) end end else if wl > wr then begin {*** right rotation needed ***} wll := wt( left^.left ); if (wll > wr) and (2*wll >= wl) then begin rrot( t ); checkrots( right ) end else if wl-wll > wr then begin lrot( left ); rrot( t ); checkrots( left ); checkrots( right ) end end end end;

C source (3415.chckr.c) Pascal source (3415.chckr.p)

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