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Pagodas merging

function merge( a, b : tree ) : tree; var bota, botb, r, temp : tree; begin if a=nil then merge := b else if b=nil then merge := a else begin {*** find bottom of a's rightmost edge ***} bota := a^.right; a^.right := nil; {*** bottom of b's leftmost edge ***} botb := b^.left; b^.left := nil; r := nil; {*** merging loop ***} while (bota<>nil) and (botb<>nil) do if bota^.k < botb^.k then begin temp := bota^.right; if r=nil then bota^.right := bota else begin bota^.right := r^.right; r^.right := bota end; r := bota; bota := temp end else begin temp := botb^.left; if r=nil then botb^.left := botb else begin botb^.left := r^.left; r^.left := botb end; r := botb; botb := temp end; {*** one edge is exhausted, finish merge ***} if botb=nil then begin a^.right := r^.right; r^.right := bota; merge := a end else begin b^.left := r^.left; r^.left := botb; merge := b end end end;

C source (515.merg.c) Pascal source (515.merg.p)

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